What Is Hanger Management?
My new book with 45 Easy, Practical, Fun Mindful Eating Tips to Help You Choose Food That Increase Your Focus, Concentration & Boost Your Mood 
Who Is This Book For?
Everyone!  We all get hangry and irritable when we don’t eat mindfully! 
Why Do People Get Hangry?  
We get hangry when we are….
  • Too busy to eat well
  • Feel stressed or overwhelmed by life.
  • Confused about which foods to eat!
  • Have daily habits that lead to mindless eating.
  • Have a damaged relationship to food from dieting. 
What Will I Gain from Hanger Management?
  • Mindful eating strategies 
  • You will learn how to choose foods for better focus
  • Concentration
  • To feel fuller/manage appetite 
  • Boost Your Mood
  • Prevent Hanger!
  • A better relationship with food.

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